Understanding decomposed Jun 22, 2018 I think we can all agree that having our codebases more readable and understandable would make our lives much easier. In this post, I'm trying to point out at least a few ideas that influence understanding. ...
Supporting understanding with simplicity Jun 15, 2018 Some time ago, my colleague Joy Clark wrote about simplicity. I’ve also approached this topic once before. I’d like to follow up on both articles and show how simplicity can boost our understanding of software. I will also propose that we look at other disciplines to see if and how simplicity affects them. Maybe we can benefit from their experience. What’s all the fuss about? Why do we even talk about simplicity? ...
What do I believe in Nov 2, 2016 Below are my guiding principles, that are the basis of what, how and why am I doing with regards to software development. Long term development speed First and foremost I understand my main responsibility as delivering value as fast as possible in the long term. By delivering value I mean adding, changing or removing features, that “business” requested, but also things like: improving processes around me, both technical, like application deployment, and business, like simplifying stock management, proposing and introducing new techniques and technologies whenever I feel that they will improve things, sharing knowledge within and outside of the team (blog, mentoring, pair/crowd programming, etc. ...
Code quality as a winning factor Oct 21, 2016 Software development seems to me like the only discipline where practitioners can get away with producing crap. If you’re a doctor and you screw up surgery or treatment, in the worst case you will kill your patient, in the best you will not make his/her situation worse. If you’re a bridge builder and you’ll make a mistake during construction, in the worst case the bridge will collapse killing people, in the best case, the bridge will be usable only after adding some additional support to it. ...
Writing good test scenarios Aug 16, 2016 On my current company’s blog I posted some time ago part one of “writing good tests”. Now it’s time to continue. Last time I just barely scratched the topic of writing test scenarios. I briefly gave only a few hints like “avoid unnecessary information”, “don’t include implementation details” or “don’t repeat yourself in different scenarios”. This time I’d like to dig deeper and present results of discussions we had in the team. ...
Microservices - a solution or a problem? Jul 4, 2016 Microservices seem to be everywhere, everybody is talking about them, writing and consuming them. For a good reason, they can solve a lot of problems like scaling, high availability, independent developability, etc. But are they really THE solution to our problems? Do we always remember their costs? Integration One of the good things about microservices is, that they’re simple. Each one should be easy to understand even by a new person joining a team. ...
More on MyFaces and ContentType Jul 23, 2009 I’ve dug some more, debugged some more and know a little more. The whole problem with Apache MyFaces and ContentType comes from the awful idea that there is more than one moment, when, for a single request, resulting ContentType is evaluated. MyFaces looks at Accept HTTP header, which, in my case, states text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8. MyFaces goes through that list and picks first entry which it understands, in my case that’s text/html. It doesn’t really matter, that next entry application/xhtml+xml is what I would really want, “text/html” was first. ...
Including JavaScript in HTML content Jul 7, 2009 For the last couple of days, I was struggling with Java ServerFaces. The exact problem was, that commandButtons were working as expected, but commandLinks were not. We are using Apache MyFaces with Tomahawk and Sandbox components. We were going to use commandLinks for navigation and other uses like selecting nodes in Tomahawks’ tree2 component, but we were forced to render commandButtons instead, which looked quite awkward in some places. Symptoms we got, were that three browsers: Firefox, Opera and Konqueror, were complaining about “oamSubmitForm is not defined” after clicking a commandLink. ...
Autowiring EJB 3.0 in Tomcat from remote JBoss Jun 20, 2009 To be honest I’ve never fully understood EJB 2.x or written an application using that specification. Well, I’ve written some EJBs, but it was just following an example of different EJB in the same project. Even though we used Spring at that time nothing seemed simple and straightforward. Every time I wanted to use an EJB I had to modify several XML files to be able to inject EJB into some bean. ...